Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Votes Are In!!

Thanks to many who contributed to the annual "What Should Be Cut" contest! The entries were well thought out, imaginative, somewhat cruel, and downright funny. Whatever, here they are in no particular order except the first two which had the most votes.
1. Cut Superintendents Salary. By far the number one entry. One person wrote, "She needs to pay back all the years she did nothing for us....." A little cruel but these are the feelings.
2. Close Schools. Most writers realized that this was inevitable based on the population of the district however the schools were the real surprise. Glenwood and Woodrow got the most votes. Gibson and Langston received a few votes. The real surprise was 10 votes to close Galileo! as one reader put it, "A private school fraud perpetraded at the expense of all the others." Also a few votes for Forest Hills. Surprisingly not one vote for W. Townes Lea.
3. Scale Back Preschool Several readers mentioned that this program appeared to have no measureable success.
4. Fire Anyone with an Assistant in their title.
5. Stop middle school athletics programs.
6. Drop Asst Superintendent for Human resources back to a Director position and reduce that department.
7. Higher deductable for insurance.
8. Eliminate all curriculum director positions.
9. Eliminate afterschool programs.
10. Eliminate Gifted/Security position.
11. Reduce Assts. at GWHS by one position.
12. Drop Governors School
13. Close GED program and move to DCC.
14. Eliminate year round schooling.
15. Move central office to a closed school.
The remainder were person specific and were rather cruel so I chose not to print them. My daughter thought thry were funny but I felt it was a little much.
So the tribe has spoken. Come forward and extinquish their torches. Come school board, grow a pair.
Keep the letters coming to