Sunday, June 27, 2010

DPS Yard Sale

In order to address the financial problems of DPS I suggest that the Concrete Queens and the worker bees get together and have a yard sale to raise some money. This way the board can get rid of old unused items and at the same time raise a little money.
A table could be set up labeled “Magnet Mess”. This would feature all the equipment that was purchased with magnet money that is no longer being used. Hmmm on second thought you may need eight to ten tables for all that crap. Since no one I believe is still using the magnet themes there should be a lot available. However a lot has already been torn out and thrown away since it was purchased through shady dealings from a northern Virginia company that had a special relationship with the former magnet mistress that the superintendent allowed to run rough shod over people and budgets. Wouldn’t that make interesting reading for someone to go back over the magnet budget and see just what happened to all the money. Eight million just doesn’t buy what it used to. Step right up, get your barely used Montessori furniture while it lasts! This table should sell well. Too bad they can’t sell all the ridiculous training that was paid for by the district.
Another table could feature slightly used administrators. There should be a lot to sell on it since I believe the average experience of an administrator in Danville is something like thirty minutes. In the last six years the district has gone through administrators like water. I believe the main criteria for hiring was that they be at least room temperature. And the board sees no problem? As Sarah Palin would say, “How’s that superintendent working out for ya?” Another one bit the dust again this week as an elementary principal was escorted out of the building after being given thirty minutes to gather her belongings and turn in her keys. I’m surprised they just didn’t create a central office position and move her there.
The next table would feature about fifty 800 lb bags of rubber mulch. That was another idea that worked out well. Go by any elementary school and see how well that idea worked.
The last table would feature new ideas, creative programs, fiscally responsible projects, strong leaders, and positive views. But wait, that’s right, this table is empty since such things don’t exist in DPS.
Bring your own bag, the superintendent will help you carry your purchases out to your car while telling you how good things are going. Errr, by the way, there is a no return policy.


Unknown said...

If only the citizens of Danville spent as much time talking about economic development as they do spreading libelous rumors; perhaps the City's economy would be different.

Now let's talk FACTS:
The Principal you reference in your blog was offered a position in another division that paid nearly $20,000 more.
Seems a no-brainer to me.

eduk8r said...

"The next table would feature about fifty 800 lb bags of rubber mulch. That was another idea that worked out well. Go by any elementary school and see how well that idea worked."

The rubber mulch is a safety feature and is working to keep kids from getting hurt. Would you rather we ignore safety and let the students' lawsuit-happy parents sue the schools when their 'my kid's diaper contents doesn't stink' youngster gets hurt? Some of your comments are ludicrous and others are spot-on.....keep up the good work!

Centurian said...

Kim, don't escort someone out of a building when they get another job..FACT. Please don't swallow the cr-- you are being fed. And by the way get back to your job at the school board office before they catch you and escort you out of the building....
eduk8r....your response ignores the fact that the mulch was 15 times more expensive then other products. It would seem in a cash starved environment that it was well, a stupid decision. And as I said go by the schools and see how well it is doing. Most of it is knocked out onto the outside of the enclosures and is worn down to the plastic. In addition there are other heavy metal & toxic contaminants in crumb rubber, including arsenic, cadmium, lead & nickel, which can effect the safety of groundwater.These volatile gasses are known to cause irritation of nasal & respiratory passages & can cause central nervous system damage, depression, nausea, dizziness, headaches, dermatitis, eye damage, & kidney damage.

Centurian said...

And also the best way to increase economic development is to have a school district that is honest and straight forward with no hidden agendas.