Monday, August 24, 2009

Its That Time of Year Again

After returning from vacation I sat down to read the accumulation of newspapers the neighbors had graciously saved for me. The papers were filled with stories about the beginning of school and how children all over the area were anxiously awaiting the first day of school. My own daughter was excited as she carefully chose what clothes to wear and what school supplies she needed. One story in the paper caught my eye about the AYP of the city schools. I am the first to admit I am not a mathematician I looked at the names of the schools that did not make the mark. By rough calculations the number of students at these listed schools was over fifty percent of the students in the district. So how could the district have passed AYP if so many students and schools did not make the cut? Voodoo math? Oh how this district can make figures dance! So school board what’s up? Are we playing fast and furious with the figures? Are the hands quicker then the eyes? More on this later……………

The blog has reached a new milestone! Over 8,000 hits have been accumulated on the blog. According to the list we have visitors from California, New Mexico, Michigan, New York as well as Virginia and North Carolina. Most amazing is we have several viewers from Poland, France, England, and South America! In addition the blog is now carried as a link on at least ten other websites and blogs. This has been only through the efforts of you, the readers. I have received immense support in the form of written information, documents, e-mails, and several photographs. Many who submitted photos may be annoyed that I only printed a few of the pictures. This is because some of the pictures contained individuals and students who had nothing to do with the problem identified and I did not feel correct associating them with the situation. Anyone who submits pictures in the future please try to adhere to these policies. Submit any article, information, pics, or documents to

Take note, the school board elections are only nine months away. Are there no brave souls willing to give the district a fighting chance? I know many employees who do an excellent job day after day. They need someone to be on their team, not the team of personal vendettas. For these people give some thought to running.

Here are just a few of the submissions I have received:
From someone lamenting the IT situation:
“The IT dept is a step child as you say and many stupid things have happened there……..” and “….that department is slowly becoming corrupted.
Another readers states:
“Many of us are eagerly awaiting your comments--as always! You'd be surprised how many out-of-towners (even across the country) read your blog!!! Witty, entertaining, and unfortunately, truthful."
From a frustrated employee:
“All they know how to do is to keep their heads above water. They lost the only forward thinking employees they ever had. I'm sure if you continue to probe, you'll find even more skeletons in that closet. “
It is comments like these that keep the blog moving forward. One cannot sit by and let it happen and not say or do anything. The students and the parents deserve better. The beginning of the school year is a happy occasion for the students. Lets make the future just as happy.

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